Powering Technology

One of the major roles of electrical engineers is the design, development, and management of electrical systems. Today, this includes the surging number of job positions in the renewable energy sector.

According to a 2018 report by the International Energy Agency, renewable energy sources such as hydropower, solar, and wind will account for 30 percent of power demand by the year 2023. Undoubtedly, as the demand for renewable energy increases, so do electrical engineers’ jobs needed to design, develop, and manage power systems.

Powering Electrical Technology

Electrical engineers play a significant role in developing smartphones, computers, and other technologies that power our professional and personal lives. Technology has been evolving over the years, creating more job opportunities for electrical engineers. A 2018 study by Pew Research found that 85 percent of Generation Xers aged between 38 and 53 years and 92 percent of Millennials aged between 22 and 37 owned smartphones.

Automated technologies are a big boom in the professional world, from self-driving cars to robot-aided surgery. Also, a report by the International Federation of Robotics, industrial robots’ global stock was expected to soar from 1.8 million units as of 2016 to 3 million units in 2020.

The growth of digital technologies that we witness today could not have been possible without electrical engineers’ contribution. These professionals are responsible for the development and designing of the electrical components powering the machines and robots.

As an aspiring electrical engineer, you will have to earn the necessary education, certification, and licensure. Like any other career, professionalism, passion, and commitment go a long way in shaping the job of an electrical engineer. With the technological advancements that we are witnessing today, the future seems bright for electrical engineers.